Misconduct Project
Misconduct Project



Version 4.7.3Printable

In January 2011, the Misconduct Project was upgraded to operate as an active XML site utilizing the SOAP protocol for communication to other sites. Thus, staging of information between Referee Chapters and the Misconduct Project has been changed to funnel all database activity through the Misconduct Project site itself.

This was done to address several objectives to enhance the quality of the Misconduct and Supplemental information that is filed by Referees state wide. The objectives were:

  1. Identify which Users (Referees, etc.) were providing information (regardless of Origin)
  2. Improve the audit trail for exactly when and by who Misconduct information was modified
  3. Create an interface that could operate external to the RidgeStar environment (meaning, a calling site might not be a RidgeStar client site).

About the User

For Referee Chapters that support 4.7.3 of the Misconduct Project (or higher), the Misconduct Project accepts the Referee "name" (First, Middle, Last) as the identifier for the Referee. Thus, the Misconduct Project relies on the integrity and honesty of the calling site to properly identify who is actually filing the information

When a User arrives that is not currently identified to the Misconduct Project, the Project will save the User's name as a defined User to the Misconduct Project. This is useful to be able to identify all Misconducts filed by a single Referee, particularly where the Referee might work with multiple Referee Chapters. Once this has been accomplished, the Referee's Name will be internally associated with the actions s/he does via the unique Misconduct Project User Key. The Tools-Audit listing will then contain the proper identity of the Misconduct Project User that has taken an action against the Misconduct and/or Supplemental entry.

Of course, for this to be coordinated properly the Referee will need to utilize the same combination of Firstname, Middlename, and Lastname at the various sites.

User identities prior to 4.7.3

Database table entries made by a User (e.g. Referee) from a site other than the Misconduct Project PRIOR to 4.7.3 in the Origin site identifies the User in the Misconduct Project with the Origin's User Key. This means that the Misconduct Project cannot actually translate or associate specific Misconduct or Supplemental entries with a specific User directly. It requires the combination of User Key and Origin value and, even then, the actual name of the User can only be obtained from the Origin site.

As a result, entries made by Referees from Sites operating versions prior to 4.7.3 will not be able to internally identify the Referee that made the entry (from the Misconduct Project's Users table perspective). The Referee's Name will continue to be stored (without regard for the Version), but the enhanced auditing features will only be available with Referee Chapters utilizing 4.7.3 or better.

Updated: 6 January 2011